Monday, October 10, 2011

living the question

in a recent attempt to ward off an emotional breakdown, i found myself reading down by the lake on this rather beautiful fall day. i mean, seriously. we do not deserve this kind of weather. the leaves have already begun to change and yet it is still at least 65 degrees. goodness. 

anyways. i have been reading rainer rilke, whose poetry i love. but, thanks to a dear friend, i have been going through rilke's letters to a young poet. and truly, i cannot really express the ways the Lord has been using this tiny little book to speak such peace into my heart. in short, it has been tremendously appreciated in this time. 

i found this passage particularly relevant and beautiful.

"You are so young, so before all beginning, and I want to beg you,
as much as i can, to be patient
towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the
questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign 
tongue. Do not now seek the answers,
which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them.
 And the point is, to live everything. 
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, 
without noticing it,
live along some distant day into the answer."
that's what i am hoping for... to live the questions and through that, to hopefully rest in His peace, despite the unknown and the hurt that comes with questions. 
Lord, have mercy on me.

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